Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Health Issues

Hi Sumara,

Regarding health issues...Had a stroke in 1991; mainly affected brain function. I have short term memory loss and difficulty with focus and attention. TMJ. Dry eyes, and small cataracts. I have arthritis (ankylosing Spondylitis), which is causing problems in neck and spine. (bone spurs in neck with compression of nerve.)I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome which is much better now due to treatment by alternative health physician (neurofeedback, acupuncture, counseling and spiritual counseling). Pain is spread out over the body including head) Oh, I received head injuries in an auto accident in the 70's. I am taking antidepressants which I disllike taking and pain medication with codeine in it which I seldom take. I have problems with my stomach. Better now than earlier last year. It was discovered that I had h. pylori which was treated with antibiotics. I still have a problem with urinary track infection which is much better now. I was treated with antibiotics. I am now eating yogurt, saurkraut, Natto and taking Siberian pine nut oil to restore the flora in stomach and intestine. I drink very little coffee. I drink soda moderately. I drink mostly water and fruit juices in small doses. I drink green drinks containing green vegies, chlorella and other good things. Thank you for your interest. Love and peace, Elizabeth


Sumara's Raw Food Blog said...

Hi Elizabeth,

I will give you the Raw Food basics and also make some recommendations that pertain to some of your health challenges. Looking over your list of ailments, I’d say that most of them will be eliminated simply by dramatically increasing your consumption of raw foods.

As a rule of thumb, if you are eating something that is raw, you are adding to the years of your life, vs. eating something that is cooked which destroys the enzymes, or the life force of the plant, you are taking away from the years of your life. This is why we try to keep at least an 80/20 ratio of live vs. dead (meaning cooked) foods that we eat. 90/10 is even better but is more difficult to get all the proper nutrients without some study. We will be teaching classes through the Church and this should be available within the year. In the meantime, my site will not only give you some good recipes to get atarted with but will also give you the basics about the raw diet and why it is so beneficial for the body. Here is another site that gives some great before and after pictures, along with their testimonies of dramatic, life-changing results (read Helen’s story) from switching to a high raw diet:

We have been given some fantastic formulas for health and rejuvenation, including the brain, that we will start producing once we have a community set up, as it will be one of the community industries. In the meantime, something that I would recommend for you is to take 6 capsules of kelp 3xday with meals. This should greatly improve or eliminate your arthritis in combination with drinking at least 64 oz. (4 16 oz. glasses – I drink 1 in the morning, 2 in the afternoon and 1 in the evening) of pure water each day (in between meals – at least 30 min. before or after eating). Most people do not drink enough pure water which is the best way to eliminate toxins from the body. So many problems that people have today are because their body’s have just become toxic wastelands, not just from the things that they ingest, but from the things they breathe and touch as well.

As far as other supplements go, take 2 capsules pharmaceutical grade Salmon Oil 3xday (NOW brand is a good one) – good for your brain, depression and arthritis, a good women’s multi-vitamin (Rainbow Light and Solaray are both good), 2 bee propolis capsules 3xday, 1 T local bee pollen, and 1 dose of royal jelly each day – all good for strengthening your immune system, as well as containing antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties (good for your stomach problems) and detoxifying your body.

A good thing to start your day with is a 16 ounce glass of lemon water (1/2 lemon with some Stevia as a sweetener and can be counted as one of your glasses of water). This should be sipped over a 15 min.-½ hour period of time as it will gently prepare your digestive system for doing its job. If you can, only eat fruit in the morning or have 1 piece of fruit (raw) and prepare a raw breakfast later in the morning, such as the one I have in this month’s Celestopea Times: Let me know if you need info on sprouting.

Sometime during the day these drinks should also be added to your daily routine: 1 16 oz. glass of vinegar/honey/cinnamon water (2T apple cider vinegar, 1 T honey, 6 drops of liquid stevia, ½ tsp. cinnamon and the rest water) – this is good for your arthritis; it will also strengthen your immune system, 1 cup of decaf green tea, 1 cup of organic grape juice – these are both excellent antioxidants, and 1 16 oz. glass of fresh vegetable juice – mega-dose of vitamins and minerals, along with live enzymes to detoxify your body (you will need a juicer for this).

If you can do the things I have mentioned, including eating a high raw diet, I promise you that you will soon feel like a totally different person, completely pain-free.

I hope I didn’t overwhelm you. I could give you a lot more, but I think this is enough for now. Let me know if you have any questions.

Love and light,

Donna said...

Hi Elizabeth,

I would like you to visit my website at The nutrition program consists of two products that when taken together, offer your body some serious nutrition. Part one Mangosteen Plus a proprietary blend of the super-antioxidant mangosteen fruit and xanthone-rich mangosteen peircarp extract Mangosteen Plus also contains 12 essential antioxidant vitamins along with whole-leaf aloe vera and green tea! Part two is Essential Minerals. It's a delicious, kiwi-strawberry flavored blend of over 65 plant-sourced major, trace and ultra-trace ionic minerals. Right now is a good time to remind you that 95% of your body's daily functions are dependent on minerals.

I have many testimonies of dramatic, life changing results within a short time frame. This is the perfect prescription for optimal health!
Email me with your questions at

Love and Light

martha said...

nice post and work you are doing sumara...

really appreciate your efforts..

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